I learnt at the age of 34 that some things are just destined to be unaccomplished in life.
I am a lonely man who work, live and dream alone. I am divorced and had vowed to remain so, after 15years of an uneventful and sorrowful companionship with my ex-wife. And After legal battle and having my whole life ripped-out in front of jurist and spectators in the court, I vowed to remain single for live.
Since then I hunt alone. Every aspect of my life seems to revolve around me and myself, until I made a greater mistake that still gives me nightmares that left me in sweat every night.
I had thought I could do it- shun every object in skirt and heels. But No, I couldn’t do it, else, I had to kill every link I had with the world. Lets cut the long story short, I actually met a woman. The first glance at her told me, I was set for damnation. I just couldn’t hold still. And the last straw that broke the camels’ back was the fact that she was an independent woman. Fifi too didn’t want complication of wedlock in her life.
She simply doesn’t want marriage and I thought than that I couldn’t be happier. Our relationship was like no other, we became friends, then roommate, then lovers. What do you think? You wouldn’t let her go, if you were in my shoe. God! she was hot, sensible, smart. Fifi was a woman in her own right.
I wouldn’t say I had the purest of intentions those days that I had chased and courted her, yet I felt something deep.
However, the hard man who had vowed celibacy turned so soft, I could belief myself. But my Fifi was the same independent, level headed woman who believes not in love, family or happily ever after, as she would most time refer to our relationship as ‘working relationship’ with no string attached.
Man! I was doomed because she had grown on me I just couldn’t help thinking about us being married and seriously in love. And that was the beginning of my end.
One night, after passionate romance in her apartment, I spilled out my gut to her. She just watched coldly throughout my confession. Minutes later it was as if I have said nothing so I thought, she’s just not ready. We continued our dysfunctional friendship, with all the benefits that came with it though. And any time I mentioned marriage, it was followed by a heated argument.
It was such night again, and this time she stormed out of my apartment and I followed her. I pleaded with her to see reason, but she just kept mute and shut me out. Some blocks away from her apartment, I gave up and walked back home.
She was mine…
So I tried to keep my distance, and only called her some days after the incident, but I couldn’t reach her. I was worried, I missed seeing and holding her. So I decided to let go and stick to friendship. Weeks after, I walked slowly to her apartment, contemplating on how to confront her again. But her apartment was empty. I asked around only to be told she had collapsed a week before. The same day we had an argument .I discovered that she had Ovarian Cancer surgery, AND five days after, she was dead!
But she was mine! Fifi hadn’t looked frail or sick. How could I not know!
Nice one dear... I love the story