![PICTURE OF FIREWORK](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/assets/img/posters/anatomy-of-a-firework-in.jpg)
Dear readers, what do you really want in life? What is your dream for this year to come? Do you have a mental picture of your own dream for 2017? What is your passion? What is your resolution for this come year? These among many questions we need to ask ourselves before we step up to another chapter of life
. And let us not forget that anything we do had been counted and watched by thousands of people over there. If you fail to achieve your dream last year, change your way now because life is a battle, just like a boxing contest, we must take the punches and endure the pain and challenges. Since we can’t run to win and became a champion or winner except if we bear and keep fighting it.
Three hundred and sixty-five days journey (365) outstanding few days, hours, minutes and seconds to end and moreover lots of things have occurred which cannot be over looked. Actually, it’s not what happened to us that matters, but how we handle what occur that makes us difference. And even “defeat is not the worst of failures but not to have tried is the true failure”. And thus both successful persons and those who fails go through pain but for different reason and purpose. It is you and all about you: if you discover yourself, surely you will find yourself and see yourself swimming upon happiness and victory.
January to December journey is a stage which performs different functions in lives of different people. Some are swimming from tragedy to tragedy while some are swimming from happiness to joy, and some performs both from tragedy to happiness or from happiness to tragedy at beginning January till end of December. For instance, ask yourself and look around you how many of your friends, sibling, relative, and other whoever they may be to you, that starts this year together but they were not opportuned to witness the end of 2016 with you. Many innocent people were killed by the policemen, soldier or armed robbers , this people did not commit any suicide! many people were killed for money ritual, while many people also died through fire or electric power supply, gas or petrol, kerosene, even water (river or ocean) and many have died through accident either by road or plane crash, many also die through sickness or hunger and finally many people have been in sickbed sinec the beginning of this year, and yet still there suffering.
Moreover, while many people are still alive in happiness, and rejoicing with their families and relative friends at the beginning of January to December with things running smoothly for them. Whereas some are living in abject of poverty, arduous, joblesness and are not even recognized but today they are elevated and thanking God . Perhaps, have you ever ask yourself if it’s your intelligent, power, beauty, hard work, and prayer or fasting that gave you edge over others .Remember that there are millions of people who were perfect than you and they don’t have opportunity you have.
You arouse this morning from your bed early today. You were happy because you wanted to witness another Christmas and prepare for New Year but you forget to ask yourself what have you achieve or learn from this long journey before you step up to another new year of 2017 which remains few hours, and days to be arrived. Have you learnt any thing positive or negative from it? Who really you are? what have you struggled for to make people know who you are? How far apart is the real you from who people assume, think or believe and perceive you ? Are you happy or excited? Are you moody and depressed because you were frustrated or someone you love betrayed you or you don’t get all what you need? Are you at a corner meditating evil or wrong things to do that will sprint your life down? My dear readers, drop the last year conditions and predicament into the silent limbo of the past, let it go, it was imperfect and thank God that it can go. At this moment we have many things to observe. Of course God Almighty, has done all things well to our body and gives us brain to think and to solve riddles of our lives. This is the fact that life has divide two sides of the coins of our destination which’s good and bad exchanging like razor blade that we use to sharpen our pencils. ‘’ when your mental eyes are finally opened, you will realize that over a year all things you threw in the back of your mind had piled up. Finally, what have you achieved that make you gratifying before you jump into another beginning of your chapter? These are question we need to ask ourselves. What do you contributed to other’s life last year? Do you make your friends feel comfortable? How many lives have you destroy either with pen or mouth? Do you make people around happy or depressed? How many perplexities do you cause to people around you? Are you a womanizer or prostitute what is your opinion about it? Do you want to stop it or continue? Are you troublesome ,threatning the peace of the society?
Remember if you plant honesty, you will reap trust. If your plant goodness, you will reap friendship. “If you plant humility, you will reap greatness. If you plant laziness, you will reap stagnation. If you plant bitterness, you will reap isolation. If you plant greed, you will reap loss. If you plant gossip, you will reap enemy. If you plant worries, you will reap wrinkles. If you plant sins, you will reap guilt. So be careful what you plant now, it will determine what you will reap tomorrow. The seeds you now scatter will make your life worse or better, your life or the ones those who will come after. Therefore, I leave you with this thought, when I am long gone from this world and nothing in my grave, will the people left in this world even remember me at all? And if they will, what will it be for? Good or bad?” therefore, prayer can do all things but it cannot be remedy to nemesis.
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Mjzeey- Freelance Writer/ Author |
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